Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

858 Ofthe rayes ofbusies,. ons, whereby (notvvithflanding they communicatewith the body) they (hall beemoll obedient and feruiceable to i the mind, and no more trouble and di(lurbe it with their grofneflc and impurity. §.Sea. 6. Vito thefefpiritualqualitieswemayadde diuers others, That earbeefier as namely, they !hall bee indued with great power and pallbe indeed firength, and enjoy for euer mollperfeé1 health : and where- with great as now the foule being a fpirit, mighty,and powerfull, can- Ji!rength,and notPhew it firength, becaufeof theweaknefre of the body, freed (Ynm . which is it organ and infirument in ref etiwhereofwe fee any ha,. o P by experience, that it exercifeth it funCnions and aóhons more firongly or weakdy, accordingto the meaCure ofbo- dily firength andhealth which it vfeth and imployeth : in our heauenly countrie our bodies (hall enjoy fuch perfe& health, andbee indued with fuch powerfull firength, that theyfhal match the ability of the foule, and become fo fit for it in vigour and might, that it (hall not as it doth now hinder the aéljons thereofwith it weaknefí'e, and wearines, but become a perfeíq and fufficient infirument for all im- ployments. And thisquality the Apof leattributethvnto it, r.Cor.,%, 3. where he faith, thatit is/oibnernseakeneffé.dutisraijedinpo- 1oer. Soallo they (hall be indeed with impaflìbility , and bee freed from fitffringanyhurt ordetriment fromany outward 'agent, towhich in this life they are fo much fubieéled; and confequently they 'hall bee freed fromall alteration, diíni- notion, and corruption :for Peeing all paflìon or fuffering proceedeth from an ouerbearing power of the agent otter thepatient; and for as much as nothing can rhusouerrule, but byouercomming the formeof the patient, which ref.. fiethall outward force as long as it bath any ability : and fi- nally, feethgour humanebodies'hal be perfc&lyfubie6led vnto our foules, by which they are informed, euen as the foule alto is perfe&ly fubie&ted vntoGod; by whole vertue and power they are defended from all outward violence, hurts and injuries; therefore necefl'arily they becomeim- paflib.le,andfreefrom cull!, becaufe there is nooutwarda- gentable to ouercome our powerfull foules, and the more powerfull fpirit ofGod.; nor fo ílrongand mighty to hurt our