Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

gt6 Oftheioyessfheauert. Tes we have fame tafle in theholy Scriptures: fo Amid ha- uingreceiued thefrfi fruits ofglorification, in hisaflutrance ofGodsloue,peace ofconfciencc,and ioy in the holy Ghofi, had hisheart filled withthankfulnelfe, andhis mouth with thankefgiuing,taking his chiefepleafure in recording Gods mercies,and in Singing hispraifes; asit plentifullyappeareth in the booke ofthe Pfaltnes.So the foure and twentieElders in the Reuelatió,fal downe before God,&worfhip him,fay- ñpocal. 4.1 t. ing : Thou art worthie O Lord to receiueglorie, andhonor, and power, for thou haft createdall things, andfor thywilt fake they are, andhatee been created: fo they are faidtohaue taken their harps & gold!vials,& tohaue lung this new long in ÿpraife Chaps. lo.u,ofour Sauiour, laying, Thouart worthie to take thebock!, and 12. openthefeales thereof,becau('e thou trait killed,&hail redeemed vs to Clod by thyblood, out ofeuerykindred,and tongue,andpeo- ple,and nation,and haftmadevs vnto ourGodKings andPriefis, andthe¡hall raigne on theearth. And with them ioyne thou- fand thoufands ofthc Saints, tinging and raying with a loud voice;wort hie is the Lambe that war killed,to receiuepower,and riches, andwifdome, and firength, and honor, and glorte, and Apoe,17 .praije, &c. And elfewhere it is Paid, that a greatmultitude s, which no man couldnumber, ofall nattons, and kindred', and people,and tongues,floodbefore the throne,andbefore theLambe, clothed with long white robes, andpalmes in their hands; and cried with a loud voicefaying: Saluation commeth ofour God, that fttethvpon the throne,andofthe Lambe : andall thee/In- elsflood aboutthe throne, andabout the Elders, and thefours and theyfell dewnebefore the throneon theirfaces, and worjbippedGod;faymg, Amen, praife, andglorie, andwi[dome, and thanker, andhonor,andporer, andmight, be veto our God forevermore, Amen. Which holy exercife (as he faith) they - performe continually veto Cod in his templedayand night. dtpocal. t.a And inanother place he faith,that he heard agreatvoice,ofa greatmultitude to heaven,fayinq,Halleluiah, faluation,andglo- rie, and!honor,andpother, be to the Lordour God; for true and righteousare his judgements. All which worfhip and feruice !hall be performed vetoGod, in, and byGod, for thereThai be no temple, ceremonie,preachingof theWord, or Sacra. mcnts