Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

9t8 Oftbelayetofbeawen;,as. that eef, which ourSauiourprolnifeth. rakemryyoke on yo, (faith he) and lcarnroftme, t0 tr lain meekeand lowly in heart, and tom /hallfindrefl to yóurfon/ei, Belide's,we (hall rea in our wits and delires, and no more (as in this life) couet after bet- ter,or other things ; becaufehailing attained vnto the fruiti- on of outfit/writing hansom, and perfe&ion ofhappines, we fhall bc throughly,and fully fatisfied, there being nothing in heauen or in earth which we can delire more :for as in na- ture tell is the end ofmotion, and the appetite ceafethasbe- ing fatisfied, when the matter bath attained his deired forme: and as the bodie re(eth, when it is come vnto the placevntawhich it traueiled fo our foules endenouring to obtaine thofe things which they loue and delire, that being therebyfully fatisfied and contented, they mayrea and re- ioyce in their fruition, hauing attained vnto the fruition of God, and that heauenly happines, and infnic ioy inhis pre- fence, and being fatiate without fatietie withhis goodnerfe and perfc&ion, do peacefully and moll ioyfully refl in this blefhcdcommunion with him, 4,5ea,4. For with this refl there (hall be ioyned all peace,comfort, Thatinour bra- ioy,and reioycing in God,and in the fruition ofour heauen- uenlyhappineeè lyhappines;which is(as it were)the top ofour perfe&ió,and ms/ha!lhaueall the haruefl of our glorie: for as he fight andprcfence of péace a¡dra God, is theroot ofall our felicitieand bicffednes, the loue ioycing in God, and fruition ofhim,the bodic,boughesand branches ofthis tree oflrt-areternall; fo this ioy and gladnes, reioycing and triumphingin God, our funensumbonwm, (hall be the fruit vpora which we (hall feed to our eutrlallrngcomfort : when as feting, inioying, lotting, praifing, and rellingin him ;we (hall take infiniepleafureand delight in the-fight ofhisbcau- tieand glorie,in thrtafleofhisfweetnes and bountie,and in thefruition ofhis goodnes andperfe&ion. And hence it is, Matthas.zt. that our Sauiout Ctwif'tealleth our hasienly happines by the nameofioy: Enrer(faith he)mto thymatter, io; ;and the Pfal- Ptalmetó.u. m; fl, fàlnes army andeternal!pleafures; and that they arc de- fcribed by the anionsofpieafure which wevie in this life,as eating, drinking, linging, playing on inflruments and luch like : tonote vntovs, that out 1-tweetrepofe inGod, accom- panied a