Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

size, Ofthe ioyexofhe.sttea, Wes webeingperfeaily freed inour heauenly countrey,(hall alfoattainevitro perfeel peace, and compl-ate fulnes of ioy and comfort; fo as it fhall not bee like our worldly hay, counterfeit, outward, and mixt with griefe and forrow, ac- ['unto; cording to the Payingache Wifeman, error in larrghie the heart ú /arrevfir!1,.snrirheendofthumirthú heauineffè : but kindly, heartie,pure and fineere, without the mixture ofei- ther griefeorniilcrie; not tickle and inconflant, reioycing and mourning almodwith the fame breath, but mofl con- flair and durable, permanent and continual', being free, both fromend,and all diílraelion andperturbation :not eau- fed by bitter ,quippes and biting girds, nor yet by foolifh ieflmg, and filrhie fpeaking; but ipirituall, graue andholy, hauing a farce different root fromwhichit 1pringcth, name- ly, the fruition ofGod, and our heauenlyhappines. Finally, our ioyes (hall not like the pleafures ofthe world, become tedious in their vfc,and loathfome iftherebe not continual- ly new varietie,but (hall conflantly remainefweet and plea. Pant, bringing fulne(fe without loathing, and fatietie with- out redioufncs, Nowwhat fhall be the fubie& andcaufe of this our ioy, fo infinite, and foendleflè, I haue in part (hew- cd, namely, becaufc we (hall be freed fromall cuill, and re- plcnifhedwith all good, hailing our minds enlightncd, our 'ils reformed, our confciencespurged, and purified, our af- feelionsfanccîified, our whole man perfect Iy glorified. And allo bemire we (hall enioy the focietie of the Angels and Saints, our fellowfhipwith the SonneofGod, and our Sa- uiour, whole excellencies in himfelfe and benefits deriued to vs, we (hall behold and admire, and admiring, againe contemplate :our communion alas with the Spirit ofGod dwelling in vs ; whichbeing fuch a comforter, and inflating filch ioy into our hearts in this life, that enableth vs toen- durenot only with patience, but with comfort and reioy. cing all troubles and tortures, affliblions, and perfecutions; with what infinit by will it fill vs in the world tocome in the fruitionofGod, and all his benefits? Vntowhich force alloadde that exceeding ioy, which the Saints than haue, when they fee Gods and their eneinics.troden wader loor; and