Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

Ofthe layer ofbeateen. 921 andbearing deferued punifhments for their firmes,not out of thehatredoftheir perfons,anddefire ofreuenge, but be- caufeGod is glorifiedin theexecution ofiuftice,and in veri- fying his threatnings, according to thatof the Pfaltnift; 7he rr hteausfhall reteyee,whe"he teeth the vexgeance, he/liall NA math his feet in thebloodofthewicked, andJ1,allfay, verily there it a fruitfor therighteous, doubtlelfe there ita God that Stag- Beththeearth. an examplewhereofwehaue in the Saints,re- ioycingand praifing God,becaufe he had (hewed his truth, and executedhis righteoufneffe, in the puni(hment and de- ftru&tonof thewhore ofBabylon. Apoe.rg.l.s. All which their ioy is made moll perte& and compleat, 4g j becaufe it (hall not continueonelyfor atime,but remainerrarrbetoyer . and endure for euer and euer ;fortheioy whichour Saui ourof heaue»Jhall will give vntovs, no mart [hall be 4hkto take, itfromvs. And be eternal! and this is the laftpoint which I propounded,without which all e"erlaf' "g Loh t6 zz the re(ìweremaimed and vnperfe&; for though our hca. nenlyhappineffe were in it Idle ncuerfo compleat and abfo- lute in all perfe&ions,yct ifit were not all) permanent and euerlafling,and infinite intime, as well as incomprehenfible in quantitie, wecouldnot bePaid to beperfe&lyhappie,and truelybleffed. For thoughwe were lure they fhouldConti- nuemany hundred thoufandofyeeres, yetif wee alto knew, that they would then end and leaue vs, wee fhouldbeeas much difcontented, that the time would come whenas we fhouldbedepriued of them, ascomforted in their prefcut fruition;yea the greater andmore excellent our ioyes fhould be whileft we haue them, the greater would in this refpe& our forrowandgriefebe, to thinka that wefhould oncebee difpoiled ofthem; whereas now finding them for the pre- fens infinite,and in rcfpe& ofthe time to come endleflè,no- thingcanbe added ter their perfeìion. But the theft ioyesmay as cleerely be prouedout ofthe holyScrip- 65.18 tures, as their vnconceiueable;excellencie. So the Pfalmift faith,thati:r Gods aprefeaceis fuleefe of ley, andat his rightap¡ handpleafieres foreteermore. Andour Sauiourpromi feth,that theywho beate ofthebreadoflifeJliallute foreuer : and faith, b latt.e.s t.& that itisalifeetermallto l¿nom Gayland bidfaumeChrs.And e1y.;, in