yss Ofthe toles ofhearten. in this the Apoflle maketh an oppofition betweenc the dt.Ioh.s.r7. thingsofthis life, and the life to come; In that rheaworld palleth away, and the lugs thereof ; hut he thatfulfillerh thewill ofgodabtdeth euer. So the kingdome ofglory isfaid to bcc fo conflantand permanent that it cannot be j9'aben, and huh the epitheteof eternitie,oftentimes attributed vnto it:thus it Heb.:z35. is called e eternall glory, vato which the God ofal/;Trace bath f t.Pet.q.I o. called vsby Iefirt Chr:p ; and an f eternal/ inheritance, which 3 Heb.9. r q. can neuer fade nor perifh : So theApo(llc faith, thatg Chrifh was appointedto beourmediatoar, that throughhis death thofe whichare called, might receiue thepromifcofan eternal /inheri- t.Pu,t 4, tance. And theApofilePeter telleth vs, that*e haue h an in. beritance, ímmorrall,andvndefiled,and thatfadrth not array,re- feruedinheauen for vs. And in this refpe& the eflateofthe faithfull, isby thePfalmifl mademuch more excellent then the (lateof the wicked; that whereas thefe with all their power andmight (hall bequite ruinedand ouerthrowne,the Pfal.;y.t7.t8. iufi are vpholden by God, and (hall haue an i inheritance which ßa /l be perpetuafi. Finally, the kingdomeof our Savi- our Chtill is faid to beeeternal!, andconfequently his fob- ieélsouerwhom he raigneth mull lice eternallywith him: andlell we fhould thinke that hee continuing in his regen- cie, maymake choice ofother fubie61s, they alfoare fped6- ed to be thehorde ofJacob, that is, his Church, and faithful!, the true poflerityof Abrahansaccording to theptomife.For kLuk.r.;;, fo theAngell olGod faith vnto theblefld virgin :k Hefhall Dan.7.n7. retgae osier thehoufe ofJacobforewer, andofhis 1i:gdomeJhal be noend. And to put the matter out ofal I doubt,that we alto Thal reil n with him;it is not only laid in the Scriptures, that t r.Cor.r c.n. we fhal bettncorruptible & immortal;but moreprecifely,that 3-1111. 1.10. 4VG m jh4Ilreigne In thiskingdome ofgloryfor euermere.Fool ifh mApoc.za.s. therefore is the dreame and dotageofthofeheretiques,who imagined that this heauenly glory and happincfl'e fhould continue but a thoufand yeeres ; feeing the Scriptures fo plentifullyproue,thar they (hall beendleffe andcuerlafling. Andas weake and feeble is their ground and foundation, whereupon theybuild their vaine opinion ; naively, becaufe it is laid in the Reuelation, that the faithful!(hall reigne with