Ofthelayesofheana/, withGodardourSauiour Chriflathonfand yeeres : which is nottobe vnd ierflood ofthekingdome ofglorynheauen, but of the kingdome ofgrace in earth, asthewords imme- diately going before, fpecially limiting it to the firfi reflr- reElion, which is our regeneration, whereby in this world we rife fromthedeath>offinne,toholincffe and newneffeofApoc.:o4.6. life, doeplainely thew. Sá that ttotwithflanding their foo.. lithand vngrounded affertion we may conclude, that as the ioyes ofheauen are in their quantityand qualitymofl ex- cellent andvnfpeakeable,.infnite and incomprehenfible; fo alto inrefpeaoftime they areeudleffeand eucrlaffing, not onely in themfelues, butalto vitro vs,feeing they fhallneuer betaken from vs, norwe from them; but after many thou- fandmillionsofyeeres expired, they !hall beeas farcefrom their end as the firff daywhen we entred into them. For o- thetw'ife wee fhould not =nine vnto perfeélfelicitie, and cotnpleat bieffedneffe,w-bich theScripturesfooften do ro- mife voto vs; teeing it comprchendeth not onely an infinite quantitieand tnea!ureofhappineffe, but alfo aneucrlafling time and aperpctuall continuance ofthis glory and felicity, without the affurancewhereofwecould neuer be fecure,not our hearts anti defrresfully fatisfied, and without ;vhich fe- cyritieandfatietietherecanbeno perfe& bleffedneffeand felicitie. CHAP. XII. Of the vfei oftheformer dot-trine concerning the toyes of heaven. Nd thus haue I darkely ihadowed'out the§.Sets. ioyesof heauen,vvhich nomortallmatt can Thatwefbniki detitibe according to their 'glory and full /pend ourrime perfeélion :'for asthe Apòfife bath taught ratberinges- tfarnt vs, the things which Godharhpreparedforall ofttntbegafe beaaaet n: t hofethatlout him,are filch, de neither eye bathfeene,norcare lqtyer, -then in hathheard,. nor heartconceited. And as another faith, fo in-carious inqui- tmu erableand ineomprefienfrblc fie thefe euerlaflingroy 3i a = 9!