9:6 Oftheloyet ofhratrcrt. a.Cor.4.17. yr ; becaufe(as elfewherehe fpeaketh)thefelightandmomen_ tamea f iUronr,/hall caafeunto yr afarremoll rxeel/ent, andan eternd naiQhtofglorie. Yea rather let vs with greater cou- ragand rc1blution,pa1fethroughall dangers,and endureall .painesand labour,that we may attainevoto thiseternalirefl andglorious kingdome. For ifmen for theobtaining ofa corruptible crowne,are content toopprcffe themlelues with carts, to endure all labours, to rumse a thoufand defperate courfes,and euen to hazardtheir owne foules; yea if theybt willing for the fnallell preferments and profits ofa king dome,to trauell byfea and land,ro (pend their flrength, and confiime their bodies, and to indanger thcmfeluesdaily to many deaths, though (as I haue (hewed) they are but of fmallworth,and leffe certaintic for theircontinuance; what cares, dangers, and laboursMould wee thinke toomuch inc the obtaining ofa crowne, which is moll glorious and in- corruptible,and a kingdomewithout end ? But yet alas,fhch is either the great infidelitie ofinen, that they doe not be- lecuethefe things,though God who is truth it fclfe doe pro- . mile them; or their negligence, that they neuer fo much as thinke and meditate vpon them; or their fecuritie and pre- fumption,that they hope toobtaine this kingdome whether theyfeeke it orno; or finally, fuck is their prophancnes end carnal! follie, that they elleeme rhefeearthly and momenta- nie trifles,vainehonours,vncertaineriches,and brutifh plea- lures, more then thefe vnfpeakable ioyes and euerlafling glorie. For that they Band thus affedled, it may plainly ap- pearebytheirpraólifèandourdailyexperience. Forwhere- as ifanyman ofcredit thouldpromifevnto them,Iwill not faya kingdome, but tome final] profit, pleafure,or prefer.. .nnent,vponcondition that they will take force paints in fu- ingand feekinn to obtaine it; how readilyandcarnally will they become feekers and fuers, that they may inrich them- felueswith thefe earthlybenefits whenChrifl the eter- nal! veritie,who neuer failedofhis word, offereth thishea- uenbykingdomeofhisfreegrace,asareward oftheir paints, if they will labour to obtaine it ; how little doe they regard it? how.ilowly doe they feeke it? thereby 11-levying mani- felAy