Ioh.t4.6. Maahaç.8. gab Ofthe ioyetofhearten. fines which areinearth, fomuch let ourloue,care,&paines exceed in deliring and fecking to obtaine them. And that wee maynot fpcnd our paints in the trauelling ofa wrong way,and fo in the end complains that we haue laboured in vaine,let vs make choiceofthat only tvay Ictus Chrift, dcfii ring tobe true members ingrafted into his gloriousbodie by a liucly faith,that loin himwemay be the fonnes ofGod, and the adopted heires ofhis glorious kingdome. Let vs adioyne our felues to the kingdome ofgrace, profeffingour fubieaionvnto God, and communicating with the rcflof the Saints in the excrcifes of the true religion;as callingvp- on God, hearing his word, receiving his Sacraments, and fubmicting our felues to be ordredand ruled by the outward difcipline andgouernment of the Church. Yea we muli not only outwardly profef courfelnes the fubieEls and feruants ofGod,but wee muli allo bue like his fubie&s inobedience to hiswill and word. For invaine doe?he drawwere vnto god with our lips,ifour heart; keforrefromhim ; in vaincwc heare the word, vnlefte wee obey it; in vaine doc we receiue the Sacraments with our hand and mouth, vuleffe weeallore- ceiue,andapplie Chrift veto vs with a true faith, and (hew the vigour and vertue ofthis holyvnionin ourvnfained re- pentance, dyingvnto finne, and rifing againc toncwnes of life; invainedoe wet fubmit ourfeluesto the outwardgo- uernmentof the Church, vnlelfe alto thrift doe inwardly raigneand rule in vsby the fcepter of his word and holy fpi- rit : finally,invaine doe we profcffe our feluesGods fubic&s and feruants,ifweehue like the feruants offrnne, and flaues ,ofSatan. Whereas contrariwife, ifwee fo line in holy obe- dience to Godswill,withfaithandagood confcience,aswe maybe affured thereby, that wee arc true members ofthe Icingdomeofgracc,we may alto beafcertained,that we fha11 be heires oldiekiogdoincofglorie,.this being the porch or fuburbs wherebywe enter into our heauenlymaniions, and the new Ierufalem,the citie ofGod. In.a word, ifeuer wee thinke to raigne triumphantly in thekingdomeof heauen, and to haue our portion and (hare in thateternal! glorie; we tnuft haue thekingdoms ofGod begun invs in this life,and be