O f tbe ioyei ofbeacon. 929 be replenifhed with the gifts and graces ofhis holy fpirit:1Rom.t4.I for as theApoftle teacheth vs, thet ingdomeof God ù righ- teoufnefe,andpeace ,and by ire theholyghofl. Ifwee meane to haue Chrifl Iefusliuing in vsvnro glory, wemull hue inhim unto grace andholineffe; fo as wemay faywith the Apollle, that b linenomore ntn,bur Chriji 'Methinvs,andin that we: bGal.a.ao. nan' ¡joiein the ßejh,we ¡tue by the faith in theTonne of God ;for there is none fhall eternally liue in heauen, in whom life e- ternall is not begun on earth, .becaufe none (hall bee faued butthey whohaue faith ; and he Marc beleeueth path euerla- `Ioh.1.14. fling bfe,and bathparedfrom death to life, already, as our Sa- uiour fpeaketh. Finally, ifwe would haue any hope to line that lifeof glory and.happines, we mull firfl liue the lifeof grace andholines.Ifwe would bedfatistiedirìth Gods image, a Pfal.t7.tç, wemull behold his face in rigbteoufnes;if we would be e par- a Plal.3t.t9. takersofGods goodnefe in theworld tocome, wee mull in thislife be induedwithhisfearer ifwee wouldhaue thefni- tion of God f al-fuffcient, wee mull wake before him and tGen.t7.1. bevprtght. If wee would afcend into thes mountaineofthe gPfal.tt.r.1.;. Lord,andfland to the placeofhù holineffe,we mull haue inno- &14.3,6 cent hands,anáa pureheart; and find inour feues conformi- tie with that excellent defcription, which the Lord him- felfemakethvntothtiPfalmifl, ofan heauenly inhabitant; ifweewould:not let the h fecond death take holdofvs, but hApoc.»t5; contrariwife attaine vnroheauenly blefodnefe,we mull haue our part in thefirgrefurreftion; and to conclude this point, ifwe would be IkeourSauiour Chrill when he appeareth, and would ¡fie Gam he is,whore vifon, as I haue 'íhewed, is 11.1011.34. ourchiefe felici tie, we muli, as the Apoftle telleth vs,pxrge oxr!elms ,euenashe ispure;forwithout Isolinefewee (hall xener fee god: and ifweremaine in our vncleanneffe,andpolluti- -on offinne, we (hall nester find entrance into the k cityofk Apoc. st.2/. God, nor bee admitted as inhabitants ofthe kingdome of heauen,whichasmuch excellcth in puritic andperfeíttiotì, as in glory, happineffe,and vnfpcakeable ioyes. And thushaue I,through the gracious affìftance ofGods 4.Sea.4. holy fpirit,finifhed this part alfo ofthe Chriftian Warfare, 7betantluftott whereinI haue indeauourcd to armeeueryman againft the ofthebooke.en. Oo o tentations