Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

93 2 The Conclufion. Hcb.r z.t. horrcth vs, let vscall away eatery thing that prefethdosvne, and thefsnne that hangeth fo raft on,aadran with patience the race that i fir beforevs. We are now fighting in a fpirituall war- 3.Timao,4. fare: and (as the Apofile faith) noman that warreth,intam- glethhtmfelfe with theafàiresoft his Irfe,becaufehe mouldpleafe himwhohathchofen him tobeafouldier. We arenow conten- Ephef 6.ít ding for vi&orie,and wraflmgnorwr:hflcfl, andblood, bet a- garnsl principalities, powers, and worldly gouernoatrs. Let vs therefore fo fight and thine, that wee may haue a glorious conqueftoucr the fpirituall enemies ofour faluation, and fo obtaine the cro,vne ofviélorte, which God hathpromifed vs,eucn that glorious fclicitie, and eternal happinesof his hcauenly Kingdom. The which he grant vnto vs which hath dearclybought it for vs,lefus Chrill the righteous,to whom with the Father, and his holy fpirit, one true, inuifible, motti glorious, moil gracious, and onlywife God,bcafcribedof vs,and ofhis whole Chtuch,al honour andglory, praife and thankfgiuing, power, maicliie and domtnion,both now and foreuermo,e. e..fmen. FINIS. Faults efcaped. Pag.13.lin.zf. reade, more thenwonted p.23.1.36.r.latter marg.1. to. r.ahiget .p.3a.1.13.r.telittletnfa71t. who/at.p.35.inmarg.l.t.r. es. p.4z.l.x.r.foras. p.ße it.p.64 1.;a.r. earmplifaed. par 8. 1.4.r.greatet. eare.p.1=3.l.t.t. 1,11we. p.13 5.1.36.radalterattng.p.167.1.8. r. us by the. p. t S 9.1.2. fl.1.makerh great. p.1z4.1.3.r.aman enely tbw.p.z35. p.z.47.l.g.blot out (and).p.atg. in marg.i.o.r.'uuat.p. 297.1.25.r. Jram rottang.p;; s.I.rx.r.making ham ftrfl.p.34o1.3.r that it is. p.341 1.1.r. unto vs any. p. ;45. 33.r.nbtaiued them by.ano.41afi.put in, S.6etl.z. °Jtmewantfoldtroubles . p3461.18.blot out (unto) p.347.1.4.r. their laws .p. 55.1, 5.r. make tbem.ìn marg.l.z6.r.magnos latrones. p.365. 1. 17. r.ifhe haue. p.390.1.15.r.yeathey. p.406.1.t.ílate.r.byPaints. p.444. .1.6.r.otber men. p.445 I as.r.the re loued. p.452.1.11.r,tawces as.p 45.91 27. wemufl not.p.46s.1.31.r.neuer need.p.464.1.zo.r.vnplea/.ngpetaons.p. 472.1., t.r.deftred. p.5oz.1.z3 r.abufed. p.Fo7.1. ;7.r. blemrfhes. p.6o9.L ay.r.long lafl:n/. p.624.1.5.7.r.manarcbie. p.63 2..1.14.r.changeablc. p.644. 1.36.r.orbackeaa.p.64f.1.15.r.andthat they. p.679.1.z7.r.remembrancert. p.7 t 3J.t.r.crefp.and 1.2. 6.r.or e/s.p.715.1, a.r,luddrnly. p.7zo 1. z.r.dr inkes. p.7z4J.16.r.abie/t, p.7z7.1.14.r.atdthat. p.731.131.r.atitle to. p.835.14 sa, changed.