Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
they prevail with God wh& he feem- ethto oppofe againft them as an ene- inie, and to wreile with them that he may foil and overthrow them, as he did with -Jacob. In all which and in- numerable other refpeds as it is to be effeemed the chiefeft exercife of a godly and Chriftian life, which can never be too much practiced, as the Apoftle impl.yeth where he i n joyn- eth us to pray continually, and in all things to give thank c; fo can it never be fufficiently infifled upon in the do- ctrine ofit,whereby we are preffed& perfwaded to the frequent exercife of it, and taught to perform it in a right and acceptable manner. In which regard though much already bath been excellently fp oken and written upon this fubjeet, yet let no man think it fuperfluous to have more publifh-
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