Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
publifhed of this argument ; feeing that can never be too much taught which is, never fufficiently learned and loved. The enfuing Treatifeswere the la- bours of that learned, judicious and godly Divine D. Domname, late Bi, fhop of Dery in the Realm of Ire- land, my moil dear brother, which were penned with his own hand for his private ufe, but for the publick fervice of that part of Gods Church over which he was a painfull and faithful' Paftour , conteining the fumme of many of his fermons which he preached on this argument. The which if he had been pleafed to have polifhed and perfededwith his own learned hand , no doubt much would have been added to their lu- ftre and beautie. Yet feeing this was A 4. not
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