Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

444414144414444R1514A offr The contents of the Chapters of the firft part of this Treatife, viz. The Dottrine of Prayer ; together with the chief points there- in handled. Chap. I a V F the definition of Prayer, and of the per f ons who are to pray Pag. t of the name of invocation and Prayer 2 of the generall nature of prayer 3 of the proper nature of prayer 4 What is required in invocation acceptable to God 5 Who ought to pray 6, 7, &C. Reafons moving to the dutie of prayer 8, 9, &C. 3.. other motives to the dutie of prayer I r 4. Three queiionscleared 14 iThether prayerbe efficacious to obtein our defires is That prayer is neceffary. notwithffanding Gods de- cree 16,17,&C. 5. of thegreat and wonder full efficacy ofprayer z r 6. Whether by prayer we alwayes obtein our defires z 6 7. of t he profit of prayer 29 8. A threefoldnecefsity of prayer 3 z 9. Who are to perform the duty of prayer 33 I o. None but the faithfull can pray of edually and acceptably 37 That the impenitent cannot pray acceptably 39 In what refped Godheareth the wicked 47 I 1. That God alone is to be calledupon 5i 12. That we ought not to invocate any creature 58 That Angels and Saints are not to be invocated: 59 That