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of the Place of prayer; .163 fame my name is great wrong the Gentiles "Indio every place incenfefhall be offered fn my name, &c. But molt plain is that r .Tim.2.8. where the Apoffle willeth that men_/hould pray 71E071 43r », in every place, lifting up holy hands without wrath or doubting. So that there is no fuch difference of place, but that we may law- fully call upon God in any place : Which alto is confirmed unto us by the pratice of Chrift and his Apofcles: who did not onely pray in the temple,but without diftinftion in other places, as in the moun- tain, in the defert, in the garden, in private hou- fes, on the houfe -top, on the fea- Chore; and where note Hence appeareth the vanityof Pilgrimages:Which The vanity were ufed either becaufe the places were more ho- °g efs ilgrimaa ly to which they went then others, or becaufe the Lord was nearer to them there then elfewhere. The former reafon I have already confuted : and the latter is more abfurd. For is the Lord prefent at Jerufalem, and is he abfent in England: nay, Donut ¡fill heaven and earth r faith the Lord, Jer. 23.24. And doth not the Pfalmifl fay, Pfal 138. 8. If afiend into heaven, thou art there; if I lie down in hell; thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermofi parts ofthe feea, yea, thither fhall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand hold me.? Seeing therefore that the Lord is every where prefent to heare us,we may call upon him in any place: and the rather becaufe our bodies are the temples of God, and we our felves priefis, and Chrift Jefus dwelleth in our temples,upon whom,as being our onely altar, we may offer up incenfe, that is, our prayers, Revel. M 2 5.8.
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