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164 of the parts of Invocation, 5. 8. Pfal. 14.1. z. So that wherefoever we are, we have temples wherein to call upon the Lord. N ow howfoever thiswhich I have faid be in ge- nerall true of Invocation both publick and private, yet it is to be underfood of publick with this difrin. lion: For publick prayer is to be confidered accord. ing to the Rate ofthe Church : If the Church be ei- ther in perfecution or warfare , wherefoever the af- fembly meeteth to that purpofe there may they lawfully pray: As namely in perfecution, in private houfes or in fecret places:for the afíembly & not the place maketh prayer publick. But if the Church be in flouriíhing and quiet eftate, there ought force pu- blick places, as Churches, to be appointed for that purpofe, wherein the congregation ordinarily is to be affembled; not for any greater holineffe in the Churches then in other places(for the affembly fan - ¿ifieth the place, and not the place the aff'embly) but onely for good orders fake and politie of the Church. CHAP. XXIX. of Prayer or Petition: and what is requiredunto it. A fente of Itherto of the generall doarine of Invocation out wants common to both the forts. Now followeth and a e the fpeciall. so have them p fupplyed. Invocation is either prayer or thankfgiving. In the former we ask good things at the hand of God: In the latter we return praife and thankfgiving for benefits received. The former hath reference to the time to come; the latter, to the time pail. For in the former
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