Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

Prayer and 7hankfgiving. 165 former we crave either the gift of fuch things as we want for the time to come , or the continuance and increafe of that which we have. In the latter we praife Gods goodneffe for his blefïings either be- ffowed already,or at the leaft promifed. In the for- mer we beg and pray; in the latter we give, or ra- ther render and repay, the praife which is due to his name. But howfoever in nature thefe two forts of Inro- Prayer and cation do differ, and fo are in do rìne to be fevered ankfgi- > , ing mufk be yet in ufe and pra ±ice they muff go together. Nei- joyned toge- ther muff we be more ready to crave new bleflings then. at the hands of God then to return thanks for bene- fits already received. And therefore the perform- ance of both thefe duties the holy Ghoff in many places bath joyned together : as 1. Theft 5.17, is. Pfal.5o.14,i5. I.Tim.z.i. Co1.3.17. Moreplain- ly Col. q.. z. Continue in prayer, and watch in the fame with thanksgiving. Phi1.4.6. Be dif r:Wfully carefull for nothing, but in all things let your requefls be mani- fefled unto God inprayer and fupplication with giving of thanks. Examples: of Jacob, Gen. 32. 9,1o, &c. David, 1. Chron. 29. I o, 18. 2. Sam. 7.18. Paul, Col.1.9,12. Phil.1.3,4. 1. Thef. .1.2. Not that by giving ofthanks for benefits received we do me- rit greater and better, according to that of the Schoolmen,De acceptis benefrciisgratiats agentes mere- rb..4pìn. mur acciperepotiora, When we render thanks for be- , z "'ft. nefits received, we merit to receive better; but that the Lord of his mere bounty is ready to reward our thankfulneffe for former benefits with granting new bleffings which we crave at his hands : and likewife M 3 our