Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

What things are requiredin prayer. 167 oration wherein nothing is omitted which the ora- tory art requireth, whether the hearers be perfwa- ded or not; fo that is an effeduall prayer wherein nothing is omitted which in the word of God, that teacheth the art and doârine of prayer , is required either in generali or in particular. For although the efficacy of prayer doth not properly confift in the obfe.rvation of the generali points, yet they are fuch as without them it cannot be effec`ivall : As i. That Thegenerais the party which prayeth be faithful!, that is, a peni- of Invocati- on applyed tent and believing (inner; 2. That the prayer be di- to Petition. rued unto God ; 3. In the name and mediation of Chrift; 4. By the help of the holy Ghoft; 5. That it be a prayer of the heart, or that the prayer be made in truth ; ( for to that the promife is ref rain- ed, Pfal. i45. r 8. and therein the life of the prayer confifteth,without which it is dead and counterfeit) that it be made with knowledge,and with faith,with humility, with reverence, and with heartineffe; 6. For good things. All which are effentiall points required in all invocation. But the things wherein more properly the effica- Fervency & cie of prayer confifreth are Fervency and Faith : and faith. requi- p to pray efecivally, is to pray fervently andfaithfully. red n our etitions. For as touching the former ; whatfoever we do of fetually ask that we do fervently defire. ,Qux ver? Bern. De o- fidelis, humilis, & fervens oratio fuerit clurrs fine rat' lei dubio pene trabit: uncle certain eft, qu od vacua redire non .R 4 °j' potent: The prayer which is faithful', humble, and fervent will without doubt pierce the heavens: whence we certainly gather, that it cannot return vain and empty. M4 Now