Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
That tvt mull pray in the fight and fenf of our wants. 169 thefe things,as namely,togive them this day their dai- ly bread, they do not pray in truth, becaufe they do not unfeignedly defire that whereof they find no want. I I. In refpea of fpirituall things two forts of men offend : Firft, thofe that are carnally fecure, who although they be wretched and miferable, poore, blind, and naked, yet being lukewarm with the Laodiceans, Rev. 3 . i 7. & feeling no want, think they are rich and need nothing. Secondly , thole who are righteous in their own conceit ; as Phari- faicall and Popifh juflitiaries. For both rhefe and the other feeling no want, either pray not at all, or ifthey do pray, it is but for fafhions fake: and there- fore praying of rm gis guám feenfu,out of cuftome ra- ther then fenfe, their prayer is not acceptable unto God , and like lukewarm water to the ílomach. Wherefore it behoveth us to labour that we may have a true fenfe of our wants: Which I fpeak efpe- cially in refpeít of fpirituall graces: for when we are pinched with bodily wants, we are many times but too fenfible thereof: But of fpirituall wants many have no fenfe5 and being miferable they feel no mi- fery. Firfl,therefore it is good to be perfwaded that this fenfe of our wants is neceffary for us: For with- out it neither will we ferioufly feek unto the Lord, neither will he feem to regard us. We will not ear - neflly feek unto him : for what we do not want we do not defire; and what we do not defire that we do not ask, except it be for fafhion : And how can we look that the Lord will compati , that is, have corn- pafsion on us,when we do notpati,or feelany want: How
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