Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
That we mitt pray in fight and fen fi of our wants. 17/ fupplyed. And this is of fuch force in prayer, that an earne1E it feemeth to be nothing elfe but the expreílìng of hf,1 gar our defire, and is therefore called w and of fuch Wants Cup efficacie in prayer, that fome place the eñcacie of lyed. prayertherein;& fo, reade the words of S.James,ch. 5'. 16. The effectual! fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much; others,Theprayer of a righteous man a- vaileth much ifit be fervent.But though it be not the onely caufe of efficacy,yet it is one of the principali: for, asAuguffine faith,Dignior fequitur efeaus quern c pif1,ad Pìo- ferventior a fecius pucedit : A more worthy effe& Gam, Iii followeth which a more fervent affection precedeth This praying with earneft defire is commended to us in the word of God by di vers fignificant phra- fes: For betides that it is called crying unto the Lord, and crying mightily, Jon. 3.8. lifting up of our pray - er,Ifai. 3 8. 14. this is alfo to powre forth our Pals be- fore the Lord like water,Lam. z .19. In which fenfe the Ifraelites are Paid I. Sam. 7. 6. to have drawn water from the fountain oftheir hearts, and poured it out before the Lord. This is to pray with grones un- fpeakable, Rorn.8.26. which the holy Ghoft ftirreth up in us; and is therefore an evident token of the child of God indued with the Spirit of adoption: which is alfo the f irit of grace and fa pplication, ma- king us when we look upon him whom we havepierced by our finnes, to lament and mourn tis a man mourneth for his firft- begotten, Zech. r 2.10. For, as Augufline faith, Plerunque hoc negotium plUsgemitibus quam fr- monibus agitur, fietu plús quam affatu : For the moft part this bufinefl'e is effehed better with grones then words , with weeping rather then fpeaking. This
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