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i72 That ,ve mull pray with f ervency of defire. This is to pray with Paul s; p«vki, exceedingly, I; Theff.3. I o. This is with Epaphras, Col.4.I 2. as it were to wreftle with the Lord : which the Apoflle commendeth to the Romanes, chap. IS. 30. By which kind of wreftling Jacobprevailed with God, as Hofea teacheth chap. 2. 3, 4. :and was therefore called Ifrael, Gen.3 2. This is that prayer ofthe hum- ble which pierceth the clouds,Ecclus 35.2 I. This fer- vent defire therefore is fervently to be defired of us, and happy are they which have atteined to ir, Matth.5.6. The means The means to attein unto it are, Firft, becaufe it to obtein is the work of Gods fpirit, to beg it of him by fervency of defire, prayer. Secondly, to labour after a true fenfe of our wants. Thirdly, in our preparation to meditate on the excellency, profit and necefïity of thofe things whichhwe crave, that fo our affections may be infla- med with a defire thereof; as alfo of the neceffity of Gods help, that except the Lord heare us and help us our cafe is defperate. So David prayeth Pfa1.28r z. and 143.6,7. Heare me, O Lord, and hide not thy face; elf . I fhall be like to them that go down into the pit. Fourthly,we are upon extraordinary occafions to joyn falling with our prayers, as we are directed in many places of the Scripture. For failing as it cau- feth the hunger of the body, fo it is an effeluall means to ftirre up and increafe the hunger of the foul. For which caufe the Fathers call farting orati- enis alas, the wings of prayer. CHAP.