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174 Thot our prayer muf l be made in faith. it of God, and itPliall be given him: But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering : for he that mavereth is like a nave of the lid driven with the windand toffed to and fro. Neither let that man think that he jball receive any thing of the Lord. So S. Paul, 1. Tim. 2. 8. would have men pray without doubting. Examples ; Pfal. 4.3. and 55.16,17. And the Apo'lle S. John faith, This is our confidence that we have in him, that if we ask any thing according to his will he heareth us: andif we know that he heareth us whatfooever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we defired of him, 1. John 5.14,1 5. Wherefore Peeing in Chrifl we have boldnef and acceffé with confidence by the faith of him, Ephef.3. 12. we ought as we are exhorted Hebr.q. 16. to come boldly to the throne of grace, that ire may ebtein mercy and find grace to help in time of need; and dram near with a true heart in full afurance offaith , Heb.Io.19,22. Thatwemuff But here a diainftion is to be ufed. In matters pray for fpi- fpirituall neceffary to falvation, as we are to ask ritual thins abfolutely them abfolutely, as being perfwaded that God hath fubordinated our falvation to his own glory; fo are we abfolutely to believe that the Lord will grant them unto us. Yea, this may be added for our comfort,that if God hath given us grace unfeignedly and earne'lly to defire any faving grace, the fame for tempo- grace is begun in us. In matters temporali or fpi- rail things rituall which are not nece'fary to falvation, as 2. conditional- ly. Cor. 12. as we are to ask them conditionally, fo far forth as they may 'land with Gods glory and the good of our felves and our brethren, fo are we to believe that he will fo far forth grant them, and there-
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