Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
That our prayer mull be made in faith. therefore that he will either grant our defire or that which is better. For which caufe in fuch requefls we are moil willingly with our Saviour Chrift to fubmit our will and delires to the will and pleafure of God, Matth. 26. 39, 42. who as he knoweth what is good for us better then our felves, fo he is moft ready to give good things unto us, Matth, 7. i z. and therefore we are alwayes to believe that our re- quefls being rightly conceived (hall be granted un- to us. I would believe that I lhould be heard, were it objet. not for mine unworthineffe and my wants in pray- er. Indeed thou mayeft be fuch an one, and fuch A'nfw, may be thy prayers, as thou canft have no hope to be heard:that is, ifthou be an impenitent and un- believing fanner God will not heare thee; or if thou pray in hypocrifie and diffimulation the Lord will not heare thy prayer. But ifthou art a penitent and believing (inner, yea, if thou doff unfeignedly de- fire to believe and repent, and doll pray unto the Lord in truth with unfeigned lips, thou oughteft to pray with affurance to be heard: and this thy faith and alfurance muft not be grounded on thine own worthineffe or dignitie of thy prayer, but on the undoubted promifes of God, and on the merits and mediation of Chrift, in whom both we & our pray- ers are accepted of God. As for the fenfe of thine unworthineffe, if it be in truth and joyned with unfeigned defire of grace, it ought to make thee the rather to pray in faith: for fuch, as I have !hewed, our Saviour calleth with promife to heare and help them:
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