Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

I76 That we muff pray in faith, them: And fuch he pronounceth blefï'ed, Math; II. 28. John 7.37. Matth. 5.40, 6. Meditations Now for the helping of our faith, we are in our toítrengthen preparation to meditate of thefe things efpecially: our faith in Firf,of the power of God, who is able to do exceeding prayer. abundantly above all that we dok or think,Eph. 3.2o. Secondly,of his fatherly good will,who will de -. ny us nothing that is good, Matth. 7. I I. The con - fideration of both which our Saviour bath prefixed before the Lords prayer, when he teacheth us to call upon God as our Father, therein noting his love & good will; which is in heaven, therein noting his power, Pfal. i I x. 3. that being perfwaded that God is both able and willing to grant our requefts, we might pray in faith and affurance that our prayer Mall be heard. Thirdly, of his gracious promifes made unto prayer: as Matth. 7.7, 8. John 16. 2 3, 24. which if we cannot find in our hearts to believe, we are not to pray; for in not believing we make God a liar. Laftly and efpecially,of the merits and mediation Ram.$.34 of our Saviour Chrift who fitteth at the right hand xeh.z . ofhis Father making interceffion for us. Though our prayer muff be fervent and confi- dent, yet with fubmiflion to the will of God; Ruid, 2uale, uantum, f4 omodo, Q uando, Ybi, what, of what kind,how much, after what manner,when and where he is pleated to give, knowing that he is able Ephef.3,zo. tizo,n;t7reptctriZ3 exceeding abundantly. We are not to limit God or to circumfcribe him by circumftances. It is reckoned, Pfa1. 78.41. among the faults of the old Ifraelites, that they circumfcribed the holy One of Ifrael