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and firbm:fsion to Gods will. Ifrael; and is effectually reproved by Judeth, chaps 8. x r, 16. ii the governours of Bethul'ia, who ap- pointed to the Lord the term of five dayes to deli- ver them, otherwife they would give up their city. Not that it is fimply unlawfull to mention circum- f}ances, fo it be done with fubmili'ion to the will of God either cxpreffed or underf}ood ; Gen. 24. z 2, &c. P fal.102. 2 . Now, as I faid, we do by prayer elfedually crave that which we do well, that is, lawfully and profit- ably, defire at the hands of God. Lawfully, when we defire that which is good, and to a good end: For if it be not good which we defire, then is our defire unlawfull, and we finne in going about to make God the authour of finne. God hath promi- fed to give good things to them that auk, Matth.7. t x. But if they be not good, they are not within the compaffe of Gods promife, nor ought to come within the compaffe of our defire. If not to a good end, our delire is not lawf,ll nor our prayer accept- able, Jam.4.3. xe a%sk and receive not, becaufè ye 414-k asnifl, that ye may confàme it uponycur lulls. But as the thing mull be good in it fell, fo alfo it muli be good unto us, that is,expedient and profita- ble: for God as a mof} wife Father doth not alwayes grant his children their delires; for many times they ask that which would be hurtfull : for we know not what to ask a%s we ought, Roin. 8.26. But he heareth them alwayes though not ad voluntatem, to their will, yet ad utilitatem, to their profit. And there- fore when he feemeth not to fatisfie our particular delire, he gracioufly heareth our prayer, if it be N rightly 177
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