Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

of duties to be performed of erprayer. 179 Pfal.4.6,7,8. Pfa1.5. 3. In the morning I will direa my prayer unto thee, & fpeculabor, and 1 will look and wait, untill thou fhalt grant my defire. And fuch al- - fo was the difpofition of Hannah after the had pray- ed, z.Sam.z.z8. Secondly , as we crave good things at the hands z We muff of' God, fo we our felves mutt endeavour to attein to et means unto them by all good means poffible. For other- thofe things wife our prayer is a tempting ofGod,as if we would for which wa have our defire granted as it were by miracle, and a have prayed- fruit of no faith or unfeigned defire of the thing asked. For if we did truly believe and unfeignedly defire the thing which we ask, we would leave no good means unattempted for the obteining thereof. As for example, when I pray for faith or any other fpirituall grace, I muff befides my prayer ufe all the good means carefully which the Lord bath ordain- ed for the begetting and increafing of thofe graces in us, as the hearing of the word preached, recei- ving the Sacrament, reading and meditating in the word, &c. To this purpofe there are many wor- thy fayings of the heathen : as of Æfchylus, 4)0H kg,,,oy7iovviithrely esos, God delighteth to be prefent with him that laboureth : and, °o7av -ud'o cu;zs x' a ©gas ovvá770, When tis any man ufeeth his indeavour God alfo yutteth to his hand : and, UV xH e5t Tr077040v7u d . v 71- x47 arv,xc; v,Manum admoventi invocanda font- Numina, Divine powers are to be invocated by him that put - teth to his own hand:To which purpofe is that pro- verb of Varro, Dii facientes adjuvant, God afliffeth labourers: Adag. uv'A9lwi ,xEipd >ÚYHy twh47s ?ay 4wv ÉJTS 7>ss Oii1s g>,Q. N z Thirdly,