Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

i` The chief things handled in the fecond part of this Treatife, viz. The expofition of the Lords Prayer. THe generals of Invocation applyed to the Lords Prayer 226 The Preface 231 How Godis called Father ibid. of thename Father; and what duties it teacheth us 234 What is meant by the word °ur 237 The meaning ofthefe words, Which art in heaven 244 The divifion of the Petitions 251 The meaning of the frrfl Petition 2 5 z How Gods name is f nelifiedby its 255 How Gods name fagnifying his Glory isf nitedby us 257 How it is fänEti fled, fagni Eying his Titles 259 How it is fand fred, fignifyinghis Word 263 How it isfanaafred, fignifyingthe Docirine of religion 264 How itisfnrlifred, fignifying his Works 265 How God himfelf f neti feth his name 269 The ficond Petition handled 271 What Gods kingdome is 272 What it is for Gods kingdome to come 275 Chrifls kingdomecometh by means 279 The impediments of Gods kingdome to be prayed againft 282 V fees concerning the coming of Gods kingdome 289 of the coming of the kingdome of glory 293 We mull expelt andpray for the fcondcoming of Chrifl 294. How