Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

of ditties to be performed af er prayer: i 8 nah, i.Sam. i. I 2. of David, Pfal. i o9.4. who gave himfelf to prayer; of Daniel, when he was forbid- den under pain of death to call upon God, Dan. 6: of Bartimeus the blind man , who calling upon Chrift and being therefore rebuked of the people did fo much the more cry after him,Mark i 0.46,48. of the woman of Syrophenicia, who having recei- ved divers repulfes yet by her importunity obteined her defire, Matth. i 5.2 2. of the Primitive Church, Ads 2. 42. and 12. 5. of Cornelius, Ads i o. of Paul, who prayed without ceafing. Fifthly, as we are to perfift with a kind of im- s. We must portunitie in our prayers, fo are we with patience to withpatience ex e t the Lords leifure, Pfal. 40. i. an I o 7. expeftGpds p 3 5 leifure and not to be hafty, according to that, ai. 28. 16. J crediderit n è fèftinet, Let not him that believeth make haft: but, as it is Pfal. 123. 2. waiting upon the Lord until he have mercie upon us, knowing, as Je- remy fpeaketh Lam. 3. 26. that it is good both to trufl andto wait for the falvation of the Lord; being: affiired that the Lord,who is aprefint help in the time ofneed,will in his good time grant our requefts. And therefore we are exhorted Heb. 4.16. to come with boldneffe to the throne of grace , that we may obtein mercy andfindgrace H Ç 6u-ivy ß05,50v, that is, for oppor- tune help. And becaufe we have need of this patience, Heb. r o. 3 6. we are to ftirre up and encourage our felves thereto, Pfal. 27. i 3, 14. Wait on the Lord, be t contented be ofgoodcourage, &c. with Gods Sixthly , if having perfifted in prayer and long good if plea - ex efted the Lords le ure we yet have not obteined eew1'en p Y he Cmeth our fuir, infomuch that the Lord may feem rather to deny us; N 3 wholly