Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
x Sd of duties to be performed after prayer. wholly to deny it then for a time to delay it, we are to refs in the good will and pleafure of God, being perfwaded that he hath heard our prayers in a bet- ter manner then we defired, hearing us though not Ad voluntatem yet ad utilitatem,that is, for our profit though not according to our will after the manner of wife and carefull parents, who will not give to their children what they ask but what is profitable; and ofgoodPhyficians,who will not grant their pa- tients what they delire but what is expedient. And therefore we are in this cafe to be difpofed as Au- ug,'p;,r, gulline direteth us; Si quid contra quodoramus acci- 'ZI, adPro derit, patienter ferendo, & in omnibus gratias agenda, hoc potiús 000rtuí ffe quodDei non quodnofira voluntas habuit, minime dubitare debemus, by patient bearing it,ifany thing happeneth contrary to that which we have prayed for, and in all things giving thanks; neither ought we to doubt but that it is better that should come to paffe which God willeth then what we defired. And this is true not onely in temporali benefits, which it is good fometime to want,but al- fo in fpirituall which are not necefiary to falvation. As for example; A man being troubled with fome infirmitie, which is as a prick in his flefh moving him to finne, prayeth unto God to be delivered from it: but howfoeuer his prayer in delring to be freed from evil is acceptable unto God, yet it may be he will not grant it, the deniall being more for his glory and our profit: for his glory, becaufe his power is manifefl:ed in our weakneffe5 to make us work out our falvation with fear and trembling, to make us more circumfpet of our wayes, knowing that
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