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For whom we muss pray. 3 Ï that we carry finch an enemy about us, as if we nand not upon our guard will be ready to foil us. Exam- ple hereof in Paul, 2. Cor. I 2. 7, 8, 9. And this ought to be our difpofition when our requefts do feem not to be granted. But if contrariwife the Lord hath heard our pray- How wë muf carry ers and granted our requefts, then are we Firt, to our felves be thankfiul unto God for his goodnefFe, Pfal. 28. when our 6. and 66. 20. and 118. 21. Dan. 2. 23. Gen. 24. requefts are 26. John 11.41. Secondly, our love of God mull: granted. be increafed and our faith confirmed with greater confidence to make our prayers unto him for the time to come, Pfal. I I 6.1,2 I love the Lord becaufé he bath heard the voyce of my fupplications: becaufe he bath inclined his care unto me, therefore will I call; upon him as long as I live. CHAP. XXXII. Diflinc` ions of prayer in regardofthe objec`l. NOw this kind of invocation admitteth force di- ftinaions in regard of the object: which is ei- ther Perfonall, or Reall. In regard ofperfons we pray either for our felves r. Of the fons; or or concerning others; howbeit when we pray for anperd againFíj our felves we are alto ordinarily to pray for others, whom we as our Saviour hath taught us. muít pray. The prayer which concerneth others is properly called w7evEi , intercef ion, and it is either for them, I. Tim. 2. I. or againfr them, Rom. Ix. 2. The others for whom we are to pray, are either deceafed or living. The deceafed are either the N 4 elect,
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