Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

84 For whom ive mil praj; elect, which are happie in heaven; or the reprobate; damned in hell. For the eleâ in generali we do pray in the fecond petition of the Lords prayer, that the whole number of the elect being accomplifhed the Lord would haften the fecond coming of Chrift, for our and their full redemption,that both they and we may both in body and foul enjoy the fell. citie of our bleffed Saviour, and by him the fellow- lhip of the whole Trinity to our complete and eter- ,all happineffe. As touching the reprobate in hell ; we are not to pray for them , but rather againft them: which we do in generali and by confequence in the fame petition. That we In particular we are not to pray for any deceafed: ought notto For either they be in heaven, and then our prayer is pray dradfor the needleffe; or in hell, and then it is bootleffe. For as touching the purgatorie-fire, it was but a finoke, and therefore vanifhed ; or at the molt a deviled fire, ferving for the Popes kitchin, and the inrich- ing of the Popifh clergie. Furthermore, as he that prayeth in particular for the faints in heaven wrong - eth them, as fuppofing that they need his prayer; fo he that prayeth for any of the reprobate in hell wrongeth himfelf; for filch a prayer being with- out warrant,and therefore not offaith,yea expreffe- ly againft the Scriptures, which teach that out of hell there is no redemption, is turned into fin. For what warrant have we to love where we know that God Both hate, or to make interceílion for them to whom the interceflion of Chrift doth not be- long .. .objea. But we know not whether they be in heaven or i hell. But