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For whom wemufl pray. 185 But this we are to know, Whether they be in 4nfv. heaven or hell we are not in particular to pray for them. Ifwe know not their eflate, we are in charity to hope the bell of thofe which die in the church; for whom being in heaven we can by prayer procure no particular blefling. Concerning thofe that are alive; We are corn - o hi to manded in the word of God to pray one for another, pr ÿ e Jam. s .16. for all the Saints, Ephef.6. i 8. for the thole that whole brotherhood of Chriflians , as our Saviour are alive. bath taught us , our Father , Give us &c. The which as it loth teach us our duty, fo to them that do it it minifireth comfort. Frater, fi pre tefolo orbs, falls orbs pro te : fi pro omnibus, omnes orant pro te: Brother, if' thou prayefl for thy felf alone ,` then thou alone pray%:fl for thy felf : if thou prayeft for all, then all pray for thee. And not onely for the faithful! are we to pray, but for all men in generali, that is, for men of all forts and conditions, thofe onely excepted who have finned againfi the holy Ghofl: for whom there remaineth no more facrifrcc for (Ynne, but a fear full expectation of judgement, and vio- lentfare which (hall con fúme the profeífed enemies of God, Hebr. io. 27. For thefe we are not to pray, 'John 5.16. Of the reff there is a diflintion to be made in re- fpec`t both of their outward and inward eflate. In regard of outward eftate fome are publick per- foes, fome are private. We are to pray for all, but efpecially for the publick, and thole which be in au- thority, i.Tim, z .1,z. And as private perfons are to pray for the publick, fo contrariwife the publick for the private, a.Sarn.1z.23. In