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184 For whom we mull prey. In regard of the inward eftate, force are faithfull, force are faithleíle. We are to pray for all, but efpe- ciallyfor thofe which be of the houfhold of faith Pfal. I22.6. Ephef.6.i8. Ga1.6.Io. ' object. The faithleífe are the enemies of God, and force of them the enemies of our Church and eountrey, and force enemies to our felves ; and ¡hall we pray for fuch Anjv. Although now they be the enemies of God, yet That we hereafter they may become friends and be reconci- ought to led unto him: whereof our prayer may be a means: pray for un- believers. And therefore howfoever we are to pray againf} their wicked practices, we are to pray for their per - fons, that they of enemies may become friends; of infidels, faithfull; of hereticks and fchifmaticks, found Chrif}ians; of wicked and profane, religious and holy: for this is good and acceptable in the fight of Godour Saviour, who willed) that all men fhould be fa- vedand come unto the knowledge of the truth, 1. Ti- moth.2.4. Examples of them who have prayed for the wic-- ked are very many in the word of God: As of A- braham, for the Sodomites, Gen.I S. Mofes, for the rebellious Ifraelites, Exod. 32. yea, for Pharaoh and the Egyptians; Samuel, for Saul; the man of God, for Jeroboam, I .Kings 13. But why leek I ex- amples We have a commandment to pray for fuch as have finned not unto death, and a promife to procure mercy for them, I. John 5. i6. and a com- plaint of God when this is not performed, Ezek. 22. go. Object. Prayers made for the wicked are many times without fruit. If