Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
488 of prayer for, and againf others, we delire others to pray for us, we muff adde our chryfópom. own prayers, and our indeavour , and our repen- 79' , tance, if finne hath feparated between God and us; otherwife the prayers of others though never fo godly will not avail us, Ter. 15. z. Ezek. 14. 14. Of Prayer Prayer againft others is Q erimonia or, Impre= againft o- ratio. thers. Complaint; Complaint, is interceffion againfl others, laying forth the evil that they do or intend againft us, Rom. i i. 2, 3. r. Kings 19. 14. Pfal. 3. i, 2. and 22. 7, 8, r 2. Ifni. 37.14. Aas 4.29. Imprecation Imprecation is that interceffion againfl others whereby we do not onely declare their mallow cul- pee, evil of finne; but defire their malum pcme, evil of punifhment. And hereof are three degrees : The fiat, when we pray not againft their perfons but againfl their counfels and prac`lices, that God would confound them and bring them to nought: So Da- vid prayed againft Achitophel, 2. Sam. 15. 3 z. Se- condly,when we pray the Lord to inflit`l fome tem- porall afidion upon them that they may be hum- bled and brought to repentance, Pfal. 83. z 6. Fill their faces with fhame, o Lord, that they may feek thy name. Job 34.36. optat Elihu obum tamdiu aff9,igi donee juflitiarnDei agnof2at, & á ref onfionibus blaf he- axnis qualibus impii utuntur abflineat : Elihu wifheth Job fo long to be gilded till he acknowledged Gods juflice, and abfleined from blafphemous an- fwers, fuch as the wicked do ufe. Thirdly, when we pray for their utter deflrudion, Pfal.5 5 . r 5 . But Whether im" here it may be demanded whether thefe kinds of precations be lawful imprecations be lawful and agreeable to charity, and whether alfo they be imitable. Of
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