Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

I ss s sñsssr;ssss CxAP..I. Of the definrtion of prayer; and of the perfons vho are to pray. Mong all the duties of Chriffianitie, as there is not any more honourable in it felf, more glorious to God, more profitable and necefiary for us then the exercife of prayer and in- vocation, fo is there none wherein we do more need dire6tion and inaru6tion, and confequently nothing wherein my labour in and yours in hearing may better be imployed. For, as Chry foffome faith, Pulcherrima eft f ientia verégq Chri- fliano nomine digna qux docet reen precari : That is the moff excellent knowledge and truly worthy - a Chrifiian man which teacheth rightly to pray. In treating whereof I purpofe (by the help ofThemethod God) to obferve this order : Fir.(}, I will fet down °''îervea in this traftate, the doctrine of invocation, and then explain that Of Prayer, abfolute form or pattern of prayer prefcribed by our Saviour Chriff, wherein the pra6lice of the dotrine is conteined. The doctrine muff firft be generali and common to both the forts of invocation, viz, prayer and thankfgiving; and then fpeciall and peculiar to ei- ther. The