Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

190 of rmprecatio»s they 'were warrantable in them, yet not imitable of us. They by the fpirit of God were inlightened certainly to know & difcern thole againíf whom they make fuch imprecations to have been the de -' fperate enemies of God appointed to deffruaion. Secondly, they were moved not with private ha- tred but with a pure zeal of Gods glory, to which the love of our neighbour muff give place, defiring that God might be glorified in the confufìon of his obffinate enemies. Azconurr f fe afis eíf ro But as for us who neither have the like certainty abítein from of knowledge nor the like purity of zeal, our fafeft imprecations courte is altogether to abffein from imprecations directed againff the perlons of men ; knowing that when curies do proceed from private hatred and malice, they are moft horrible profanations of the name of God, whereby malicious men go about to make God the executioner of their malice : and therefore we are charged not to curfe but to blefl'e, i. Pet. 3.9. even thofe that curfe or perfecute us, Rom.12. 14. Matth. 5. 44. Curfed therefore are they which ufe curling, Pfal. 109.17. efpecially if they curie any of the heirs of the promife,to whom God hath made this promife, Bled be he that ble /th thee, and curled be he that curf th thee, Gen. 12. 3. and 27.29. CHAP.