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of the things for which we muff pray. i 9 i CHAP. XXXIII. of the reali object of prayer , or the things to be prayed for. He object reali, or the thing which we do ask,is I either undetermined and not particularly ex- preffed,or elfe it is determined and expreffed in par- ticular. The former, when in generali or in indefi- nite terms we defire the Lord to heare us; Pfa1.4. i . Heare me when I call;have mercy up on me, and heare my prayer: Pfa1.5.I,2. and 28. 1,2. and 54.2. and 55. z, 2. and 6i. i. and 86. I. and 88.2. and r 02. 1,2. and 130.I,2. and 141. I,2. and 143.1. The objea determined is either the glory of God or our own good. The advancement of Gods glory is to be asked both abfolutely and firft. Ab- folutely, I fay, without any condition or refpeâ of our own good, which we muff fubordinate to the glory of God, and not the glory of God to it. If therefore the glory of God and our own good come in comparifon or in queftion whether fhould give place, we ought to preferre the glory of God before our own falvation. Example, Exod.3 2.3 2. Rom.9.3. For the glory of God is the chief end, and our good is no otherwife to be delired then it is referred thereunto. But as we are to ask it abfolute- ly fo aifo firft : Firft, both in order, as our Saviour path taught us, this being the firft petition of the Lords prayer ; and firff in degree, that is , chiefly, becaufe the end is alwayes better and more excel- lent then thole things which are referred to the end: 4r3 7A 1, 7re:95 7G 7i'Ma cú571 7: 1'0 The