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i94 That we muff pray for temporali blefssings; --.fugug: De áotem propter iílud bonum : F r R s T is relatively fpo= mPnr m. DoDom. ken with reference to a latter : And therefore when :st l. z. he faith that we muff feek it frrft, he implyeth that this is to be fought afterwards,not in refped of time but dignity ( that is, in a fecondary refpeá;) that as our good, this as neceffary. For whereas it may be objected, that temporali benefits are not qwenda fed adj icienda qu gist's, not to be fought, but to be ad- ded to things fought; I anfwer, That God hath promifed to adde thefe things , but not to thofe that tempt God in negle& of prayer and other means, but to filch as feek them in a fecondary refped. Whereunto we may adde the pralice of the godly; Gen.28.20. I.Kings 8. 33,35,37. Prov.3o.8. and the precept of our Saviour Chrift, teaching us to fay, Give us this day our daily bread. It cannot be de- nied but that in asking temporali things many do erre, either asking them chiefly or abfolutely;.but as wemuft ask and feek them in a fecondary refpeF, fo alío conditionally, fo farce forth as they Hand with the glory of God and our own fpirituall good. Object. But thefe outward things are not to be cared for and therefore not to be prayed for. Chrift doth not forbid curam providenti,e, fed ( Wdy, caram f licitudinis & dif rdenti,e, the care of providence, but carking care and diffidence. Phil.' 4.6. Be nothing carefull, but in all things let your re- quefts be manifefted. And where they think thefe things unworthy the Lords gift, they mutt under- fland that his providence fubmitteth it felf to the lowefl creature; and he giveth food to all even the bafeft creatures. The