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of Deprecation: 195 The mind in and by prayer,is to be lifted up to objets! God, and not to be depreffed to things below : But when we pray for temporali things the mind is not elevated but depreffed. When we fo ask temporali things for themfelves, Anfw: refting in them as the end, our mind is depreffed and our heart is fet upon them,but not fo when they are asked as means to further Gods glory and our own fpirituall good. CHAP. X XX I Vs of Deprecation. NOw followeth Deprecation, which is called dyn,rs. The evil which we do deprecari, that is, defire either to be delivered from, whether in whole; ut avertatur, that it maybe averted, or itt part, ut mitigetur, that it may be mitigated if it be upon us; or to be kept and preferved therefrom if we be in any danger thereof, ut antevertatur, that it may be prevented, is either the evil of finne or the evil of punifhment. In the former we pray that our finnes may be removed and taken away, that is, that we may be delivered either from the guilt of finne,which is our junification; or from the fault and Of confefli- tion, which is our fanóification. °n of our corrup fnnes,and In prayer for the forgiveneffe of finite thefe that it is things fpecially are required : Firft, in the anion it m°ftprofi. table and feif, confeffion of finnes. And of this Augufline necetfary, fpeaketh excellently : Hortatur nos (epius Scriptura De confeffla ad medicamenta fugere confefsionis : Non qu'od Deus sefmc66. ve ïndigcat confefilone noftra, &c. The Scripture doth Tempo '', 0 2 often
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