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of the Confefsion of our finnes: i97 give alms, &c. thy feet come to Church,thy knees" bow and labour , &c. And do not deferre it : For " God hath promifed pardon to the penitent, but he" hath not promifed life till to morrow to him that" delayeth it. Thus much Auguftine. Now this confeffion is both profitable and necef- fary. It hath the promife of forgiveneffe : So to the hiding of our finnes is pardon denied, i.John i. 8,9. If we deny our finnes, we deceive our felves, and there is no truth in its ;but we bewray our felves to be hypocrites : I f we co nfe our finnes, he is faithfull and jufl to forgive our ones, andto cleanfe from all unrighteoufne. P rov. 2 8. r 3. He that hideth hu finnes fballnot profper; but he that confefréth andforfaketh them (hall have mercy. We fee this verified, in the exam- ple of David : For while he concealed his finne,the hand of the Lord was heavy upon him to him, Pfal.3 2.3,4. but when he confed and acknowledged his iniquity , the Lord forgave him his finne, verf. S. Affoon as David reproved by Nathan confeffed his finne, the Prophet prefently affureth him that his finne was forgiven, 2 .Sam. r 2. Now this confeffion is to be made of unknown How this finnes generally, Pfal. r9. i 3. of known finnes ` °nersi °" s i to be made. particularly, together with the aggravating circum- fiances , Pfal. 5 r . 4, 5. and in both we are freely to acknowledge what we have deferved for the fame, Ezra 9. 6, 7. Dan. 9.4,5. that judging our [eelves we may not be judged of the Lord, i . Cor. i r. 31. and that the Lord when he judgeth may be jufli feed, Pfal. 51. 4. To which purpofe we are to abhorre our felves in dull andafhes , Job 42.6. and to behave our 0 3 felves
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