Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

193 of the Confefion of our finnes.. felves before the Lord as Benhadad and his fol- lowers before Ahab the King of Ifrael , I. Kings That crami- 20 , 31. And that this confeflion may be made ac- nation cordingly, are in our preparation both to try p Y Mould n- and examine our felves by the law of God, to find fersion. out our finnes which we are ferioufly to confeffe, Lam. 3.4o, 41. and alfo labour that we may fee and feel our miferie in refpecî ofthem, that labouring and being wearied under the burden of them, we may out of an humble and contrite foul poure out our fupplications unto the Lord. The neglect whereof is reproved Jer. 8.6. Charity and And that we may obtein forgiveneffe we are alto repentance required be- to come in charitie, being as defirous to forgive our fore confcf- brethren that have offended us as we defire to fion, and afr be forgiven of the Lord, Matth. 6, 14, 15. See Ecclus 28. 2, 3. I. Tim. 2. 8. tir,pis óp without wrath. And likewife we are to repent of thole finnes the pardon whereof we defire: For that is pretended in our asking forgiveneffe, that is,both to be forie for our finne paf}, and to promife and purpofe unfeignedly amendment for the time to come. And both thefe duties of charity and repentance are likewife to be pra ±iced in our lives after we have craved forgiveneffe at the hands of God. For as touching the dutie of charity in forgiving others; If after we have defired forgiveneffe, and in our conceit have obteined pardon, if we deal unmerci- fully with our brother, whom we will not forgive, it will be an evidence againft us that our firmes in- deed were not pardoned, Matth. 18. 23, to 35- And