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of the Confef ion of cur f tines: f gg And for the other duty of repentance; A man can- not have affurance of the forgiveneffe of his finne which he doth continue in: For God doth not re- mit the finnes which we our felves retein ; He that confef th and forfiketh his finne fball have mercy, Prov. 28. 13. And as we are to pray for the forgiveneffe of finne or taking away of the guilt, fo we muft all() pray that we may be delivered from the corru- ptions and preferved againft tentations alluring unto finne for the time to come. And as we are to pray againft corruptions and tentations, fo muff we in our lives ftrive and fight againft our corru- ptions and refift tentations, avoyding alto occafions of evil; otherwife how can we ask that of the Lord which we our felves will not yield unto in our praáicc. So much of prayer againft malum culpse, the Of prayer evil of finne. There is alto prayer againft ma- evil1of puç lum pcence, the evil of punifhment, both fpiritu- niihmei t. all and temporali and alfo eternall. The fpiri- tuall is, when God doth punifh finne with finne, blinding the eyes of men, and hardening their hearts, and giving them over to a reprobate fenfe. The temporali, when God doth either for cha- flifement, or triall, or punifhment, afflict men with the afflictions and calamities Hof this life: againft which fort this kind of deprecation is molt ufuall. Pfalmus ¿n Wc7rxós, Ni perdas; Pfal. 57, 58, 59,75. But in this kind of prayer efpecially we muff wholly fubmit and refigne our felves unto the good will and pleafure of God, who knoweth what is 0 4 good