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2 of the same of Invocation and Prayer. The generali doárine confif[eth of fuch points as are either more fubfiantiall, Odin oracciden- tal 1, 7tt 01.1.0Sarixóz t. The fubíiantiall points are all of them compri- The defini- fed in this definition ; Invocation or prayer is a bolt of Pray- religious fpeech of the faithful!, directed unto God er, in the name of Chriff, framed according to the will of God by the help of the holy Ghofl, concern- ing good things apperteining to his glory and our good. Of the name The phrafe of invocating or calling upon the name of Invocati- on of God fometimes fignifieth the rofeílion of the &Prayer 5 p true religion whereby we take the name of God up- on us, and are called after his name : as Gen.48. i 6. and 4. I6. Ifa. 63. io. Ats 9. 14. i. Cor.i.2. And firft, as touching the name; This part of Gods woríhipis ufually in the Scriptures expreffed by the phrafe of calling upon the name of God, and therefore is fitly called invocation, that is, cal- ling upon God, whether it be by way of praying or prayfi;Ig. In which generali fence the Hebrew word r1`ß n, tephillat, is fometimes ufed; I.Sam. 2.1. Pfal.86.r. Ifa.56.. Domas orationis, oratio, and invocatio in Latine : and by a Synecdoche pray- er in the Englifh tongue ; though properly it fgni- fieth that fpecies or kind of invocation whereby we crave any thing at the hands of God. By a Metony- mie of the figne it is fometimes called the lifting up of the hands, Pfal. 141.2. and 44.20. fometimes, the lifting up ofthe eyes, Pfal. I23.1. more properly, a lifting up of the heart unto God, Pfal. 2 5 . I . where- of the other are but liignes. Which Inuit teach us when
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