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200 of the Confe fsion of our fannes: good for us better then our felves; with patience and comfort to bear what it (hall pleafe God to lay upon us, after the example of David, 2. Sam. 15.26. and ofour Saviour, Matth. 26.39, 42. For Vide.4iig. herein efpecially that is verified Rom. 8. that we spt. IZI know not what to ask. For to be affli6ed is not fimply evil , but contrariwife worketh for the good of them that are afflited, Rom. 8. 2,8. Infomuch that David profeffeth that it had been good for him that he had been affliart, Pfal. 119. 71. and Jeremy, Lam. 3.2 7. yea, David pronounceth the man bled whom the Lord doth chafti fe and nurture in his law, Pfal. 94. 12. Deprecation of calamities is often joyned with La- mentations particularly bewayling their frate , and Expofrulations. Example of the former in the La- mentations of Jeremie. Expofrulations are vehe- ment interrogations of the afflicted expreffed from their grief, whereby they expofrulate with God concerning the greatneffe or continuance of their afflihions, Pfal. 22. I. But here we muff take heed that our expoflula- tion be a lively fruit of a firong faith, left perhaps it do degenerate into open murmuring and repining againfr God: David, Pfal. 22. I. and our Saviour Chrift being affured, that the Lord is his God, and therefore calling him , My God, my God, expoftu- lateth with him whÿ, being his God, he had forfaken him. So much of Petition or Prayer. CHAP.