Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
of Thankf iving. 20I CHAP. XXXV. of Thanksgiving. T Hankfgiving is that invocation whereby we do render due thanks and prayfe unto God for his benefits. As touching the name; This duty is by Of the di- divers names expreffed in the Scriptures,Pfal.1oo.4. vers names and phrafes Ifai.12. Pfal.145.2. A s, To prayfe God, Gen. 29. 3 5. whereby To blej him, Pfal.103. I, 2. and 1 04.1. I. Chron. thankfgiving iin Sfícreid - 2 9 . I 3 Jam. 9. To confeffi unto him , Matth. I I. 25. Heb. 13. 15. To give him thanks , Pfal. 105. I. ptures. I. Chron. 16.8. I. Theff. 5. 8. Rom: 1.2 I . Eph: 5. 20. To magnifie the Lord, Luke 1.46. AL. I o. 46. and 19. 17. To extoll him, Pfal. 145.1. To exalt his name, Pfal. 34. 3. Toglorifae him, Matth. 9. 8. and 15. 31. Luke 2. 20. To make his name glorious, Pfal. 66. I, 2. To offer (viz. a voluntary oblation) thankfgiving and prayfe, Pfal. 5 0. 14, 23. To offer the facri face of prayfe unto God, that is, the fruit ofour lips confefsing to his name, Heb. 13.15. as Hofea fpeak- eth chap. 14. 2. To render the calves of our lips; To facrifice unto God with the voice of thankfgiving, Jon. 2.9. Pfal. a 16.17. To f crifice the f crifice of thankf- giving. The duties required in thankfgiving are either Of the corn- common to it with prayer, or proper and peculiar monduties, unto it. For when I fay that thankfgiving is a kind trehqanuirekfgivin ing of invocation, you are to underffand that all thole things which were fpoken ofin the generali treatife are particularly to be applied to thankfgiving. The which I will the rather do, becaufe commonly thole
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