Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
202 of thank fgiving, andwhat is required two it. thole things are delivered not as generali points but as particular to prayer. Thank(gi. Thankfgiving therefore as well as prayer , is ving what religious [ eech of the faithfull unto God in the name of it is. Chrif, made according to thewill of God by the help of the holy Ghof, concerninggood things apperteining to Gods glory and our own good. I call it a religions f eech, becaufe it is a principali part of that religious worfhip which we ow unto God : whereby it is al- fo diftinguiíhed from the civili thankfgiving to men, and is therefore religioufly to be performed. In the reft of the definition I noted fix things which are eífentiall to all invocation, and without which it cannot be acceptable unto God: Firfl,That the party which doth invocate muff be faithful!: for God heareth not fanners: And thankfgiving being a sacrifice, the holy Ghoft telleth us that the f crifice of the wicked is abomination to the Lord, Prov. 15. 8. The proper The proper fubje& of Gods prayfe is the Church: fubjeftof Eph. 2 r. To him be ra e in the Church. Pfal. moods prayfe 3. p yf is the church 65. I. Praif waiteth for God in Sion. The Lord,Pfai. 50.14,i 5.exhorteth his faints and his peculiar peo- ple to offer unto him thankfgiving, and to call upon him in the day of trouble: But v. 16. unto the wicked faith God, What haft thou to do to declare my (1atutes,and to take my covenant into thy mouth, Peeing thou hateft to be reformed, and cafteft my words behindthee? Sacri- fices are to be offered by none but priefts;and all the faithfull and they onely are a royall priefthood, to offer upf irituall f criface acceptable to G od by lefus Chrift, I. Pet. 2. 5, 9. Revel. 1. 6. This duty is neceffarily required of all, and can- not
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