Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
of thankfgiving, and what is required urns it. 203' not without fanne be omitted by any; but cannot be T.kankfgi- acce tab] performed but by the faithful]. And ving can be p y Y rightly per- therefore the faithful] are in a fpeciall manner ex- formed' by horted to this duty, P Cal. 3o. 4, and 145. io. and 49 5 the faithfiilt 1 . 6. And this fheweth the neceflity of faith onely. in Chrift and repentance towards God. Again, thofe which give thanks muft be joyfull and re- joyce in the Lord; but the wicked cannot rejoyce in the Lord; neither ought they whileft they continue in their finnes to be joyfull: yea, our Saviour de- nounceth a wo to fuch laughers, Luke 6. The faithful] therefore alone are exhorted,as to rejoyce alwayes , fo in all things to give thanks, z . Theff. 5. 16, 18. Pfal. 132. 9, 16. and 149. 2, 3, 5, 6. and 33. 1. Rejoyce in the Lord, o ye righteous ; for prayfeis comely for the upright. Secondly, as prayer fo alto thankfgiving is to Thankfgi- be offered unto God alone as tht authour and prin- ving is to be cipall giver of all good things , Jam. 1. 17. Pfal. offered unto 5o. 14. Col. 3.17. Ephef. 5. 20. We may and god alone. ought to be thankful] unto men as unto the in- flrurnents of God ; as Rom. 16. 4. And to be unthankful] is a great fault ; 2. Tim. 3.2. But if neglecting God we give thanks unto men as the authours, we commit facrilegious idolatry in rob- bing God of his honour and giving it unto men. In this fenfe prayee and thankfgiving is a facrifice which muft be offered to the Lord alone;and in this fenfe his naine alone is to be exalted, Pfal. 148.r 3. and therefore they which fo give thanks to men, or reft in the means they facrifice unto them and make them their God; they f crifice to their net and hum
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