Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

204 of thankfgiving, and what is required unto it. burn incenf to their drag, Hab. i. 16. Eph. 5. 20. -O' oti4, unto Godandthe Father. Thankfgi_ Thirdly, Thankfgiving as well as Prayer is to be offered d be n offered unto God in the name of Chrift, Ephef. 8. the name of 20. CAP Xfisr; 'Io, in ChriI elms, Ephef.3.2I. d}á 'Inak Chrift. xprs", through Chriftefus, Rom. i.8. & 7.25. Col. 3. 17. Heb. 13. 15. For we are an holy priefthood, to offer up fpirituall facrifice acceptable to God by jefus Chrift, i. Pet. 2.5. Revel. 8.3. Of the man- ner of Fourthly, for the manner; There is required in thankfgiving the foul, i. in generali, that our thankfgiving be a fpeech of the foul and not of the lips alone. David therefore in force places ftirreth up his foul to prayfe God, Pfal. 103. i, 2. and 104. I. And elfewhere he profeíffeth that he would prayfe God with his whole heart, Pfa1.9. i. and 86. 12. and i i i. i. that is, with an upright heart, Pfal. 119. 7. To which purpofe Paul alío exhorteth us to fang in our hearts unto God, Ephef. 5.19. Co1.3. i6. To little purpofe ferveth the outward melody of the voyce, unleffe there be a concent thereof with the heart: We mull therefore be carefull to fing Davids Pfalmes with Davids affeElions ; but we may not fing or praife God either with feigned lips or with wandring thoughts. 2. In the mind there is required, firff, Under- flanding; Pfal.47.7. Col.3. r 6. and fecondly,Faith, whereby we are to be perfwaded that this our fer- vice and facrifice of praife is acceptable unto God in Chrift; without which our thankfgiving cannot be as it ought, chearfulI : unieffe we be perfwaded by faith of gods goodnefï'e towards us how can we be thankfull to him 3. In