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of thank/iving, andwhatis requiredunto it. 3. In our heart it is required that our praife or thankfgiving be humble , reverent , and hearty : Humble ; that we may afcribe the whole praife unto God, unto whom alone it is due, and airtime no part thereof unto our (elves; Pfal.115.1. Reve- rent;for without reverence we cannot give unto the Lord the praife that is due unto his name, Pfal.29. 2. nor afcribe unto him eternall kingdome, pow- er and glory. We mutt in our thankfgiving rejoyce in God, but we muff rejoyce in reverence, Pfal. 2.1 i. and 95. 2, 6. performing therein a religious fervice and worfhip to God. Hearty, with all our heart;and that in particular with thankfulneffe and chearful- neffe, without which our thanks will be either cold or counterfeit. See Pfa1.68.26. And as for bodily duties : The voyce in more fpeciall manner is required in thankfgiving. There- fore our tongue is called our glory, becaufe by it we are to glorifie God. We are not by filence to fmo- ther Gods prayfe; but as we are inwardly thankfull fo muff we teftifie our inward thankfulnefl'e by our outward thankfgiving. And in this kind of Invoca- tion efpecially is tinging warranted and commend- ed unto us in the Scriptures, not onely of the Old Teffamentbut alfo of the New, Jam. 5. 13. Ephef. 5.19. Col.3.16. Matth.26.30. Ac`fs 16.25. Fifthly, this invocation alfo is to be performed by the help of the holy Ghoff. For naturally we are tongue-tied in Gods prayfes : but it is the fpirit of God that doth open our lips that our mouth may jhery forth his prayfi, Pfal. 5 r . 15. It is the fpirit of grace which maketh us to ling withgrace in our hearts. Sixthly