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of fpeciall ditties required in thanksgiving: 207 they which give thanks for that for which they are not thankfull, either becaufe they have it not, or do not think themfelves beholding to God for ir, Luke x8. And as in prayer the Lord efpecially regardeth the defire of the heart ; fo in thankfgiving , the thankfulneífe of the foul. Now unto this thankfulneffe there is required yecordatio rnindfulneffé,in the foul; grata agniti o, acknowledgement, afertie, afar-lion, in the heart. For firft, if we be not mindful' of Gods benefits, 2. Remem; non habemusgratias, we bear them not in mind, we brance of are not thankfull. And therefore we are often fir- Gods bene- fi,s. red up to remember Gods benefits , and ftraitly charged that we do not forget them : for to forget them is to be unthankful'. See Deut. 6. 1o, I I, r2. and 8. I I, I 4, i 7, z 8. and 3 2.15,18. Pfal. í o 3.2. and 116.21. And this remembrance it muat be effeóu- all, moving us to be thankfull both in heart, word, and deed, Pfal.78.7. Deut. 8.11. The fecond is a gratefull acknowledgement be- 3A gratefull an ow- neficii Divini, of Gods goodneffe; and officii noitri, me ;n ofeds of our beholdingneífe. To the gratefull acknow- Gods beau- ledgement of Gods benefit is required, firft a faith- fits. full agnizing of the authour or benefaaour , and a right prizing of the benefit. For if we would be truly thankfull unto God, we mutt acknowledge, what good thing foever we have , whether fpi- rituali or temporall ,by what means foever,that God is the authour and giver thereof, Jam. i .17. But in- fidelity in not acknowledging God to be the giver, but either rating in the fecondary caufes,which are but